Yesterday (June 26) Korongo blogger and CDT thru-hiker Mary Anderson (aka #MaryBadass) reached Triple Divide Pass in Glacier National Park, then continued on to a campground. The area, popular with weekend hikers, is prime habitat for moose and grizzlies, and in recent years, wolves have moved in. Hikers are warned to make a lot of noise, travel in groups of three or more, and carry bear spray. (The Wikipedia photo above shows an unidentified lake somewhere in Glacier Park.)
Mary seems to be in good shape. She is tired, sore, and hungry—she miscalculated her food provisions for this eight-day period, leaving herself three meals short—but was able to score some food from weekend hikers (thru-hikers call this “yogi-ing”). She reports that this part of the trail crosses the most beautiful country she has ever seen. Below is the series of satellite messages I received from her this morning in France.
Sat, Jun 26, 2021 3:05 pm
Was dragging tired sore. Scored some extra food from weekenders..will help. Big technical snowy pass tomorrow. Thanks 4 writing. More when can
3:12 pm
Fuller now. Ate half pound of salami i yogied almost all in one go. Sitting at teiple divide pass. Wish i could show you. Big horn sheep marmots.
Triple Divide Pass runs between 8,020-foot Triple Divide Peak and 9,375-foot Mount James. This is where Mary skarfed down half a pound of salami supplied by weekend hikers. To "yogi" means to gaze hungrily at the food displayed by another hiker until an offer is made. Often the one yogi-ing must make increasingly pointed references to his own inadequate food supply before the one being yogied takes the hint. The term is, of course, a reference to Yogi Bear of cartoon fame. (Mary will get resupplied on Monday when she reaches the post office in East Glacier that received her next set of provisions.)
Have few more miles 3or4 to camp and two more snow patches but bei g really lazy up here. It really is most beautiful place ever seen.
"Snow patches" can be way more dangerous than those words imply. Spring conditions add to the threat. Among the dangers: postholing, falling, and avalanches.
In bubble of sobo hikers. Actually too many though met some today going nobo as i was crossing steep snow. They made sure i got a ross ok.
This is the time of year when CDT thru-hikers start in Montana and head south ("sobos") or in New Mexico and head north ("nobos"). The nobos Mary encountered were probably weekend hikers.
6 p.m.
In camp. Went through one snow bridge today up to waist and twisted foot a little but all in all a fine day. Think just one more big pass 2morrow
Mary is hiking alone, carrying some heavy burdens and struggling to cope with physical injuries as she makes her way through difficult terrain, so it lifts my heart whenever she reports that she has had a good day or makes mention of the beauty around her. Maybe we'll get some photos on Monday when she expects to reach East Glacier. You can send her a messages in the Comments field or at
See all of Mary's posts here.
Enjoy the beauty and adventure God has blessed you with! Stay safe and keep putting every step forward in the win column!!
Awesome adventure! Thanks for sharing! May each step you take keep you on safe ground and closer to achieving your goal. The Magee’s